Honey Rose & K
What's In Her Bag With Paula Koontz Gilmour, $25M Dollar Club Realtor May 30, 2018 21:37
Paula Koontz-Gilmour is one of Central Ohio's premier realtors, holding awards from both Coldwell Banker King Thompson, Columbus Board of Realtors, and Ohio Association of Realtors.
Paula is from Upper Arlington and lives here with her husband and 2 children. She's not only an accomplished realtor, but she also is involved with many non-profit organizations in Central Ohio. You'll likely see Paula working, exercising (barre class, tennis or running), volunteering or shuttling her kids to and from activities.
In Paula's Louis Vuitton tote include tools to run her successful real estate business.
Her iPhone and a spare battery charger because (really?), how can you run a business without a smart phone?
Paula's business cards with her wearing hot pink, one of her signature colors. Her Honey Rose & K hot pink drop earrings are a favorite, matching many dresses in her closet.
A few realtors tools she always has on hand: blue ink pens (for home closings) and a laser room measurer.
She also has the essential makeup bag. She's always on the go, so no time to reapply at home!
Paula's favorite Honey Rose & K necklace (often found more on her neck than in her bag!).
The Mott fruit snacks are a favorite go-to for between meetings snack.
Paula, thank you for letting us get to snoop around in your great bag!
To learn more about Paula and her business, please visit her realtor homepage. To learn more about Honey Rose & K's current pieces, please visit honeyrosenk.com.
The HRK Team
Our Mother's Day Wish List May 8, 2018 12:33
Mother's Day is around the corner and we are excited to spend the day with our families. We've been helping our customers shop for gifts for their moms, sisters, daughters, and the women who are like moms to them. Today, you can shop with 20% off online or messaging us to help give the perfect gift, even if its for yourself! Use code MOM at checkout.
Here's what we've been eyeing, buying, and gifting!
1. A staycation at a local hotel. Just because its Mother's Day, who says you can't have an evening away from your family! Uninterrupted sleep! TV to yourself! Time to read the book you've been trying to get through for 6 months! Room service! Head home after checkout, just in time for your family to take you to brunch.
2. A bookstore giftcard. Nothing better than time by yourself to browse the new fiction with a cup of coffee, shop beautiful notepads, and pickup mini chocolates at the checkout counter. We love The Book Loft and Barnes and Noble.
3. A floral statement piece. Flowers are beautiful, but they only last for a week (if you're lucky). We love the idea of receiving a floral statement piece that will last for years. Our gorgeous daisy necklace, chasing daisies necklace, pink petal earrings, and the flower power earrings are great options!
4. Yoga class pass. An hour carved out of the day for your physical and mental health is a gift for the entire family. Whether gifting or receiving, it shows that health is worth giving.
5. Nothing better than giving and receiving a homemade gift from the kids. Our kids make their grandparents art, songs, videos, and books. We also love receiving their homemade gifts and of course, hugs and kisses.
Happy Mother's Day from all of us at Honey Rose & K
HRK team
What's In Her Bag: Fit for Barre's Dawn Tuttle April 23, 2018 09:17